Approval object

id string*
The unique identifier of the approval.
approvalState string*
The status of the approval which includes: pending_approval (user requested initial approval), approved (approval admin granted approved status), declined (approval admin denied approval request), needs_approval (user made updates on an project that was previously approved).
requesterId string*
The unique identifier of the user that requested approval.
approverId string*
The unique identifier of the user that is assigned to approve the request.
timestamp string*
Date when the template was created.
    "projectId": "fa90bfcf-54db-4ed7-b07c-0127dc5a29ff",
    "approvalState": "approved",
    "requesterId": 163375509,
    "approverId": 116622339,
    "timestamp": "2023-08-16T18:38:50Z"