Update print order(s)

Valid Access Scopes


Status updates

One status update per order
Currently, only one status update per order is accepted. The jobId can be the ID of any job in the order.

Status updates for "add-on" jobs are not needed and will not be accepted

Status order
A status update on a job will only be accepted if the new status is a valid transition from the current status. Valid transitions are:

  • SentToVendor -> ReceivedByVendor, Printing, Shipping, OnHold, or Cancelled
  • ReceivedByVendor -> Printing, Shipping, OnHold, or Cancelled
  • Printing -> OnHold or Shipping
  • Shipping -> Shipping (terminal state, but updates to shipping information are allowed)
  • OnHold -> ReceivedByVendor, Printing, Shipping, or Cancelled
  • Cancelled -> N/A (terminal state)

Optional updates for Shipping status

The optional keys (trackingNumber, shippingCarrier, shippingMethod, and dateShipped) are only required when the status is Shipping

The format for the shipping date is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [AM|PM]

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