Rate Limiting

To protect the stability of the platform and prevent undue stress on the system, the Lucid API has a rate limiting feature (sometimes called throttling) that restricts the requests of users when the load exceeds a configured amount.

When the number of requests received within a period of time exceeds the allowed threshold, all API requests will respond with 429 Too Many Requests. This response will include a Retry-After header containing the number of seconds until requests will be accepted again.

The rate limits are configured high enough that they should never be hit under reasonable normal usage. However, an integration should be built to handle this response, and wait at least until the Retry-After period has passed before sending further requests. Sending additional requests during the rate-limited window could extend its duration.

Rate limits are applied based on the access token type.

Token TypeRate Limit
Account50 requests per second
User15 requests per second