Errors & Success Responses


HTTP StatusError CodeDescription
400 Bad RequestunknownOperationThe requested operation is unrecognized or not supported for this resource
400 Bad Request badRequestBad or malformed request
401 Unauthorized unauthorizedThe request token is missing, expired or invalid
403 Forbidden accessForbiddenAccess to this resource is forbidden
404 Not Found notFoundResource not found
406 Not Acceptable invalidExportTypeThe requested export type is not supported
409 Conflict alreadyExistsEntity already exists
415 Unsupported Media Type invalidImportTypeImporting the provided file type is not supported
429 Too Many Requests tooManyRequestsThe requests received have exceeded the allowed rate limit
500 Internal Server Error internalServerErrorAn unknown error occurred
503 Service Unavailable The service is down for maintenance
    "code": "accessForbidden",
    "requestId": "15f6412a6ae94b13",
    "message": "Access to this resource is forbidden"

Successful Responses

HTTP StatusDescription
200 OkThe request completed successfully.
201 CreatedThe request succeeded and the resource was created.
204 No ContentCompleted successfully, but returned no response body. Often used with DELETE endpoints.