400 Bad Request | unknownOperation | The requested operation is unrecognized or not supported for this resource |
400 Bad Request | badRequest | Bad or malformed request |
401 Unauthorized | unauthorized | The request token is missing, expired or invalid |
403 Forbidden | accessForbidden | Access to this resource is forbidden |
404 Not Found | notFound | Resource not found |
406 Not Acceptable | invalidExportType | The requested export type is not supported |
409 Conflict | alreadyExists | Entity already exists |
415 Unsupported Media Type | invalidImportType | Importing the provided file type is not supported |
429 Too Many Requests | tooManyRequests | The requests received have exceeded the allowed rate limit |
500 Internal Server Error | internalServerError | An unknown error occurred |
503 Service Unavailable | | The service is down for maintenance |