Interacting with our APIs may result in an error instead of the expecting result. Marq tries to respond with a detailed error message that will help you figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

SCIM error schema

400Bad Request.
Unexpected request.
The detail attribute of the resource should provide information on what request/attribute value is unexpected.
Marq cannot authorize the organization with the authorization token.
SCIM integration is disabled.
404Not Found.
The requested resource wasn't found by looking up its ID.
405Method not allowed.
Marq doesn't support the requested method.
Marq cannot update a resource because of a business logic conflict.
The logic conflict can vary, depending on the real-life scenario.
For example:
- Try to allow an email address that isn't included in the allow list (whitelist).
- Try to add or update the email address of a user whose status is inactive.
- Try to update the details of a user who belongs to more than one organization.
413Payload too large.
The payload exceeds the maximum payload of 800000 bytes.
415Unsupported Media Type.
The endpoint doesn't support the provided media type.
429Too many requests.
The request is rejected by rate limits.
500IInternal Server Error.
An unexpected error of application.
Please, contact Marq support to clarify the reason for such an error.